National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

The National Institutes of Health / National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's mission is to generate and disseminate fundamental knowledge about the effects of alcohol on health and well-being, and apply that knowledge to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of alcohol-related problems, including alcohol use disorder, across the lifespan.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) thumbnail


Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner's Guide

This guide is designed to help health care professionals quickly identify youth at risk for alcohol-related problems.

College Drinking: Changing the Culture

This is a one-stop resource for comprehensive research-based information on issues related to alcohol abuse and binge drinking among college students.

Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)

The Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) provides detailed information on a wide variety of alcohol-related policies in the United States at both State and Federal levels. Detailed state-by-state information also...

NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator

The Navigator helps adults find alcohol treatment for themselves or an adult loved one, as well as healthcare professionals and faith leaders who often see people in need. Included are...

NIAAA Spectrum

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) NIAAA Spectrum is a triannual webzine with feature articles, short news updates, and colorful graphics about NIAAA and the alcohol research...

Alcohol's Effect on Health: NIAAA brochures and fact sheets

This webpage provides links to NIAAA products, publications, and information about alcohol basics for the public, as well as information for special populations. Links are also provided to NIAAA resources...

Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol - Parents

This guide is geared to parents and guardians of young people ages 10 to 14. It offers suggestions for better communication between parents and their children, explains the unique risks...

Parenting to Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use

Parents can play an important role in helping their children develop healthy attitudes toward drinking while minimizing their risk of underage drinking. This factsheet describes how parenting styles and other...

Underage Drinking Fact Sheet (NIAAA)

Alcohol is the most widely used substance among America’s youth, and drinking by young people poses enormous health and safety risks. Not only are adolescents at increased risk of injuries...

Parents—Talk With Your High School Grads About Celebrating Safely

This factsheet describes how simple, important precautionary measures, such as prom-planning involvement and open communication with teens, can make a difference for this memorable occasion. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse...

Fall Semester—A Time for Parents To Discuss the Risks of College Drinking

This fact sheet outlines the consequences of harmful and underage college drinking, factors affectingstudent drinking, and strategies for addressing college drinking. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism; 2020)...

Alcohol and marijuana use predicted sexual intercourse in truant adolescents

Researchers studied data from a group of at-risk, truant adolescents to understand the influence of alcohol and marijuana use on the odds of engaging in sexual intercourse on a given...

Party music is associated with riskier drinking decisions by young adult women

In this study, researchers sought to answer whether listening to personal party music would influence risky drinking decisions (relative to risky food decisions), over and above listening to other types of...

Alcohol Treatment and Physical Distancing

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) Alcohol Treatment and Physical Distancing resource outlines tips and methods of treatment during uncertain times, specifically the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource...

Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose

NIAAA's Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose fact sheet defines alcohol overdose and explains how to identify one. It also illustrates the measurement of a standard drink in the United...

College Alcohol-Related Statistics: Prevalence of Alcohol Use

This webpage summarizes annual prevalence data of alcohol use by college students as reflected by SAMHSA's NSDUH report.

Does parental influence decrease as their children progress through college?

Alcohol use prevention research has shown that parents are very influential on their children’s drinking behavior, even after they leave to go to college. However, less is known about how...

Social stress and alcohol initiation in adolescent girls

Social stress may be an important factor that influences adolescent alcohol use; however, most studies looking at social stress and alcohol have been limited by reliance on self-report. This current...

Identifying risk and protective factors to prevent alcohol use during tailgating

Tailgating before college football games can be a common site of alcohol use. Understanding what contributes to alcohol use at these events may highlight opportunities for prevention. The context and...

Examining resources to prevent underage drinking from a social ecological perspective

Adolescent and college underage drinking are significant public health problems both on their own and together. It is important for prevention professionals to understand and help prevent the development of...

Adolescents’ experiences with alcohol use and expectations about peer use affect drinking onset.

Initiation of alcohol use among adolescents has many potential factors. Researchers analyzed data from a longitudinal survey of adolescent substance use and health behaviors. They found interacting effects, within individuals,...

College Alcohol-Related Statistics: Consequences of Alcohol Use

This webpage lists annual high-risk college drinking consequences includes a concise list of facts outlining the effects of alcohol abuse on college campuses, communities, and students. (National Institute on Alcohol...

Giving a brief intervention in English versus Spanish.

In this study, researchers tried to determine whether the language in which a brief intervention is delivered affects drinking behavior among Mexican-origin young adults. They used data from an emergency...

Laboratory and life experience with wearable alcohol biosensors.

Wearable alcohol biosensors are a developing, important technology in the alcohol treatment field. A team of researchers from Yale examined two newer devices in the field and the laboratory. They...

Stress Effects on Alcohol-Motivated Behaviors

The current study examined the effects of psychosocial stress on alcohol cravings and alcohol-motivated behaviors in people with alcohol use disorder. Thirty heavy, non-treatment-seeking drinkers completed a comprehensive assessment of...

Study finds tens of millions of Americans drink alcohol at dangerously high levels

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism edits and produces a biannual journal called Alcohol Research: Current Reviews that publishes scientific reviews on a single topic related to alcohol.

Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking

This report presents statistics on the nature and extent of underage drinking in the United States. It also discusses the role of the federal government in preventing and reducing underage...

Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner's Guide

This guide is designed to help health care professionals quickly identify youth at risk for alcohol-related problems.

College Drinking: Changing the Culture

This is a one-stop resource for comprehensive research-based information on issues related to alcohol abuse and binge drinking among college students.

Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)

The Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) provides detailed information on a wide variety of alcohol-related policies in the United States at both State and Federal levels. Detailed state-by-state information also...

NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator

The Navigator helps adults find alcohol treatment for themselves or an adult loved one, as well as healthcare professionals and faith leaders who often see people in need. Included are...

NIAAA Spectrum

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) NIAAA Spectrum is a triannual webzine with feature articles, short news updates, and colorful graphics about NIAAA and the alcohol research...

Alcohol's Effect on Health: NIAAA brochures and fact sheets

This webpage provides links to NIAAA products, publications, and information about alcohol basics for the public, as well as information for special populations. Links are also provided to NIAAA resources...

Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol - Parents

This guide is geared to parents and guardians of young people ages 10 to 14. It offers suggestions for better communication between parents and their children, explains the unique risks...

Parenting to Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use

Parents can play an important role in helping their children develop healthy attitudes toward drinking while minimizing their risk of underage drinking. This factsheet describes how parenting styles and other...

Underage Drinking Fact Sheet (NIAAA)

Alcohol is the most widely used substance among America’s youth, and drinking by young people poses enormous health and safety risks. Not only are adolescents at increased risk of injuries...

Parents—Talk With Your High School Grads About Celebrating Safely

This factsheet describes how simple, important precautionary measures, such as prom-planning involvement and open communication with teens, can make a difference for this memorable occasion. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse...

Fall Semester—A Time for Parents To Discuss the Risks of College Drinking

This fact sheet outlines the consequences of harmful and underage college drinking, factors affectingstudent drinking, and strategies for addressing college drinking. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism; 2020)...

Alcohol and marijuana use predicted sexual intercourse in truant adolescents

Researchers studied data from a group of at-risk, truant adolescents to understand the influence of alcohol and marijuana use on the odds of engaging in sexual intercourse on a given...

Party music is associated with riskier drinking decisions by young adult women

In this study, researchers sought to answer whether listening to personal party music would influence risky drinking decisions (relative to risky food decisions), over and above listening to other types of...

Alcohol Treatment and Physical Distancing

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) Alcohol Treatment and Physical Distancing resource outlines tips and methods of treatment during uncertain times, specifically the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource...

Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose

NIAAA's Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose fact sheet defines alcohol overdose and explains how to identify one. It also illustrates the measurement of a standard drink in the United...

College Alcohol-Related Statistics: Prevalence of Alcohol Use

This webpage summarizes annual prevalence data of alcohol use by college students as reflected by SAMHSA's NSDUH report.

Does parental influence decrease as their children progress through college?

Alcohol use prevention research has shown that parents are very influential on their children’s drinking behavior, even after they leave to go to college. However, less is known about how...

Social stress and alcohol initiation in adolescent girls

Social stress may be an important factor that influences adolescent alcohol use; however, most studies looking at social stress and alcohol have been limited by reliance on self-report. This current...

Identifying risk and protective factors to prevent alcohol use during tailgating

Tailgating before college football games can be a common site of alcohol use. Understanding what contributes to alcohol use at these events may highlight opportunities for prevention. The context and...

Examining resources to prevent underage drinking from a social ecological perspective

Adolescent and college underage drinking are significant public health problems both on their own and together. It is important for prevention professionals to understand and help prevent the development of...

Adolescents’ experiences with alcohol use and expectations about peer use affect drinking onset.

Initiation of alcohol use among adolescents has many potential factors. Researchers analyzed data from a longitudinal survey of adolescent substance use and health behaviors. They found interacting effects, within individuals,...

College Alcohol-Related Statistics: Consequences of Alcohol Use

This webpage lists annual high-risk college drinking consequences includes a concise list of facts outlining the effects of alcohol abuse on college campuses, communities, and students. (National Institute on Alcohol...

Giving a brief intervention in English versus Spanish.

In this study, researchers tried to determine whether the language in which a brief intervention is delivered affects drinking behavior among Mexican-origin young adults. They used data from an emergency...

Laboratory and life experience with wearable alcohol biosensors.

Wearable alcohol biosensors are a developing, important technology in the alcohol treatment field. A team of researchers from Yale examined two newer devices in the field and the laboratory. They...

Stress Effects on Alcohol-Motivated Behaviors

The current study examined the effects of psychosocial stress on alcohol cravings and alcohol-motivated behaviors in people with alcohol use disorder. Thirty heavy, non-treatment-seeking drinkers completed a comprehensive assessment of...

Study finds tens of millions of Americans drink alcohol at dangerously high levels

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism edits and produces a biannual journal called Alcohol Research: Current Reviews that publishes scientific reviews on a single topic related to alcohol.

Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking

This report presents statistics on the nature and extent of underage drinking in the United States. It also discusses the role of the federal government in preventing and reducing underage...

Contributed Research