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Read monthly updates on substance use prevention news and resources from federal agencies that make up the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) and other national organizations working to prevent substance use and misuse.
SAMHSA’s NSDUH 2023 Data Available
In July, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) results, accompanied by two infographics highlighting overall findings as well as findings by race and ethnicity. Key takeaways included the fact that in 2023, 5.6 million people ages 12–20 were past-month alcohol users. Past-month estimates among underage individuals also showed that 3.3 million were binge alcohol users and 663,000 were heavy alcohol users. All NSDUH results, as well as the companion infographics, can be found in full at Results from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).
Task Force Announces Recommendations and Best Practices for Safe Internet Use
The Biden-Harris Administration’s Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force, co-led by SAMHSA and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, recently released recommendations and best practices for safer social media and online platform use for youth.
The report, Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry, provides:
- A summary of the risks and benefits of social media on the health, safety, and privacy of young people;
- Best practices for parents and caregivers;
- Recommended practices for industry;
- A research agenda; and
- Suggested future work, including for the federal government.
While the report focuses mainly on children and youth’s mental health, it also discusses the association between cyberbullying and substance misuse, as well as the lack of content moderation around alcohol and tobacco ads that youth see while interacting with age-appropriate content online. Access additional resources like strategies on how to build healthy relationships with media, conversation starters for families of tweens and teens, and a social media, online safety, and youth mental health fact sheet on SAMHSA’s website.
Opening September 9: 2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest
As part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Red Ribbon Week campaign (October 23–31), SAMHSA cosponsors with the DEA an annual contest for colleges and universities to promote the importance of preventing alcohol and other drug misuse among college students. From September 9–November 4, schools are invited to create and submit a video PSA showcasing their campus’s commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. There are cash award prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Full contest rules will be available on September 9 at https://www.campusdrugprevention.gov/psacontest.
Participate in CADCA’s Over the Dose Campaign
CADCA, in conjunction with Deterra Drug Deactivation and Disposal System, launched the Over the Dose campaign in August 2024. Running through October this year, the nationwide campaign seeks to educate communities about the dangers of keeping unused prescription drugs at home and promote safe, effective disposal methods. Get involved in the campaign by posting a video or picture of these activities to social media using #OverTheDose. Watch this quick video to learn about the issue and why this initiative is so important.
DEA’s “Awkward Conversations” Podcast Returns for Season 4
DEA is pleased to announce the next installment of its podcast collaboration with the Elks Drug Awareness Program known as “Awkward Conversations.” Join celebrity host Jodie Sweetin, guest experts, and celebrity parents for Season 4 of the podcast, which will help guide parents through the challenges of raising substance-free kids in today’s complex world. In Episode 1, Jodie addresses how just One Pill Can Kill, taking a deep dive into the current state of the fentanyl crisis, new forms of the drug, and updated prevention strategies. Click here to listen to (or watch) the podcast, catch up on the previous three seasons, and take a peek at the topics of this season’s upcoming episodes that are released each Wednesday.
Incorporating the Social Determinants of Health into Substance Use Prevention
This interactive, digital toolkit is designed to educate prevention professionals on the social determinants of health and how they impact the risk of substance use. The toolkit offers an in-depth examination of the specific social determinants of health linked to substance misuse outcomes.
U.S. Surgeon General Issues Advisory on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Parents
This Surgeon General’s Advisory highlights the stressors that impact the mental health and well-being of parents and caregivers, the critical link between parental mental health and children’s long-term well-being, and the urgent need to better support parents, caregivers, and families.
Key takeaways from the Advisory, Parents Under Pressure: The U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on the Mental Health and Well-being of Parents include:
- Parents consistently report experiencing high levels of stress compared to other adults.
- Parents and caregivers experience a multitude of unique stressors from raising children.
- Mental health conditions disproportionately affect some parents and caregivers, reflecting broader social determinants of health.
- We must do more to better support parents and caregivers.
SAMHSA’s Language Access Plan
Through the release of SAMHSA’s updated Language Access Plan (LAP), SAMHSA is reaffirming its commitment to providing access for people and communities with non-English language preferences across all programs, services, and activities. The 2024 LAP is a road map toward language justice—an environment where individuals can communicate in their preferred language without a dominant language negatively defining their communication or sense of belonging. Advancing a language justice framework that welcomes and embraces multilingual spaces, reflects SAMHSA’s commitment to the provision of high-quality mental health and substance use services and information for all, regardless of one’s language preference.