Research & Resources

Reducing World Health Organization (WHO) drinking levels helps those with alcohol use disorder.

While abstinence and reductions in the riskiest types of alcohol use are important goals, there are benefits to all reductions in alcohol use. Researchers at the University of New Mexico and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism conducted a secondary data analysis of individuals in a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial using WHO drinking risk levels to capture reduced drinking and associated consequences. They found improvements in physical health indicators and self-reported quality of life even on one or two levels of reduction. Their findings have implications for clinicians and prevention specialists helping people with unhealthy alcohol use. Their paper, “Drinking Risk Level Reductions Associated with Improvements in Physical Health and Quality of Life Among Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder,” was published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. The analysis was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
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