Research & Resources

Relations Among Adolescent Alcohol and Cannabis Co-Use, Adolescent Impulsive Traits, and Prospective Change in Impulsive Traits into Emerging Adulthood

This study tested patterns of adolescent alcohol and cannabis co-use and their links with adolescent impulsive traits and changes in impulsive traits into emerging adulthood. Data came from the Add Health study and encompassed two time points spanning adolescence (ages 13–18) and emerging adulthood (ages 19–25). Four profiles of co-users and alcohol-only users emerged, with profiles differing in levels of adolescent personality and prospective personality change. Frequent adolescent co-users had higher levels of adolescent sensation seeking and impulsivity, but also reported the steepest decline in both traits into emerging adulthood. The researchers discussed these findings in terms of personality theory and public health implications.

This paper, “Relations among adolescent alcohol and cannabis co-use, adolescent impulsive traits, and prospective change in impulsive traits into emerging adulthood,” was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and published in the journal Cannabis.

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