Thinking About Drinking: Acculturation and Alcohol-Related Cognitions Among College-Bound Latinas
This study examined acculturation with positive alcohol expectancies (PAE) and alcohol use intentions among college-bound Latinas using a bidimensional (i.e., U.S. acculturation/enculturation) and bidomain (i.e., behaviors/values) acculturation framework. A total of 298 Latina young adults between 18 and 20 years old were included in this analysis. Researchers collected data the summer before participants began college for the first time. They used an online survey to assess acculturation, PAE, and alcohol use expectancies. Path analyses showed that U.S. acculturation values were related to more PAE and alcohol use intentions. U.S. acculturation behaviors were related to more alcohol use intentions, and the pathway was moderated by PAE. There was also an interaction between U.S. acculturation and enculturation behaviors predicting alcohol use intentions. This study sheds light on how acculturating Latina young women think about alcohol use prior to beginning college, which is an opportune window for targeted prevention programs.
This paper, “Thinking about drinking: Acculturation and alcohol-related cognitions among college-bound Latinas,” was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and published in the Journal of American college health.
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