Impact of Gender and Acculturation on Alcohol-related Consequences Among College Students of Color
This study examined if identification with mainstream American culture (acculturation) and heritage culture (enculturation) are differentially associated with blackouts and other drinking consequences among male and female college students of color. Participants were 150 college students who self-identified as a racial/ethnic minority and experienced blackouts in the past year. Results showed that while acculturation was not significantly associated with either drinking outcome, enculturation showed a significant relationship with blackout frequency. Gender moderated this relationship; greater enculturation was associated with increased blackout frequency among male but not female students. Findings suggest the importance of considering the interplay between enculturation and gender in understanding alcohol use among college students of color. Men who endorse high levels of enculturation may be at an increased risk of experiencing negative drinking-related consequences.
This paper, “Gender, acculturation, and alcohol-related consequences among college students of color,” was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and published in the Journal of American College Health.
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