College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives from the Field

The College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives from the Field webinar highlighted the first video of the College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives video series and featured presentations by a panel of experts that addressed alcohol’s impact on the developing brain of young adults; how to encourage dialogue among institute of higher education professionals and community stakeholders around actionable strategies and tactics to prevent underage drinking; and partnerships and programs that can help reduce underage drinking.


CDPP_Webinar_2017_Slides.pdf (PDF | 3.2 MB)


Jane Tobler, Project Director, Underage Drinking Prevention Education Initiatives

Dr. Vivian Faden, Senior Science Advisor to the Office of the Director, NIAAA

Marion Cornelius Pierce, Public Health Analyst, SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

John Ruyak, Alcohol, Drug & Recovery Specialist, Oregon State University


Thursday, May 25, 2017

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EST