Working with the Media: Writing a Compelling Pitch
Like a media advisory, a pitch should also answer a reporter's basic questions related to the five Ws-who, what, when, where, and why-of your Communities Talk activity. Unlike a media advisory, a pitch includes a request you are making to a specific reporter.
Before you send your pitch, research the reporter you are contacting to determine if they would be interested in covering activities like Communities Talk.
- Start your pitch with a creative and compelling subject line that will make your email stand out within an inbox.
- Always try to pitch to a reporter rather than a producer at TV stations or an editor at newspapers, magazines, blogs, and newsletters. When engaging radio and podcast contacts, it is better to pitch an assignment editor or producer. Look at the staff directory online or the reporter's Twitter page to get their contact information.
- Focus on why the media contact should care; address why this issue should be tackled and reported on now.
- Include a brief description of your Communities Talk activity and key facts underlining its importance to your community.
- Offer an expert spokesperson or influential community member/partner for interviews.
Pitch E-Mail Template (DOCX | 17KB)
For more information about working with media, check the "promotion" box on the Tips and Resources page.