Make Your Voice Heard on Marijuana
Transition-age youth (TAY) who are not attending college full time are at an increased risk for substance use disorders compared to TAY who are on a college campus. In addition, there are few national resources to help the prevention field communicate with this population.
Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) shows that in 2020 marijuana was the second most used substance among 18- to 22-year-olds, and it is used more by those not attending college full time, with monthly use reported by 23.7 percent of these young adults compared to 20.1 percent reported by full-time college students.
SAMHSA is developing a mini-campaign about marijuana use among youth and young adults who are not attending college. If you work with this population, no matter how small, we’d appreciate your input. Let us know if you are interested by sending an email to Your knowledge will help your colleagues better communicate with these youth and young adults to prevent marijuana use!