Communities Talk What’s New articles share information to help event organizers plan, host, and evaluate events aimed at mobilizing a community around evidence-based prevention of underage drinking.
Following social distancing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local public health officials can make prevention work challenging. One way to reach your audience with prevention messages is by hosting a virtual Communities Talk event using free video conference platforms like Zoom, ezTalks Meetings, or Skype. These platforms allow you to interact with people in your community while still following social distancing best practices. You can also use social media to reach your community by hosting a Twitter chat or using Facebook Live.
It’s important to point out that going virtual doesn’t only mean hosting virtual meetings. You can expand the reach of your prevention messaging by using different virtual techniques. To help you plan, we’ve included some ideas for you below. If you have found other ways to reach your community virtually we encourage you to contact us and share what worked for you.