Establishing Partners for Your Work and Resources for Young Adults
Establishing Partners to Support Your Communities Talk Event in 2020
Keep the momentum you gained from your 2019 Communities Talk event going by hosting an event in 2020! Partnering with a local business or other community groups is a great way to enhance your underage drinking prevention efforts during non-stipend years. Read Establishing Strategic Partnerships for Town Hall Meetings and Working With Partners and Sponsors on the Communities Talk website for some great information to help you develop partnerships that support your prevention efforts.
SAMSHA’s National Prevention Week (NPW) is May 10 through 16, 2020, and a great time to host a 2020 Communities Talk event. Community events are a great way to participate in NPW and help others see what you’re doing, celebrate your successes, and rally your community around prevention!
Substance Misuse Prevention for Young Adults
SAMHSA’s guide, Substance Misuse Prevention for Young Adults, supports health care providers, health systems, and communities seeking to prevent substance misuse among young adults. It describes relevant research findings, examines emerging and best practices, identifies knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and offers useful resources.