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Collegiate Empowerment Facilitator Training
Hosted by:
Collegiate Empowerment
How does alcohol and other drug misuse affect your community?
We know that educating college students on substance use prevention and underage drinking prevention is difficult. We feel that many education programs for colleges are missing the mark, not engaging students, and not teaching students about avoiding alcohol.
What challenge(s) did you face in planning your activity this year?
- Lack of awareness of our event or organization
How did you overcome these challenges?
We established our next facilitator training dates for 2020–2023 so we have time to market, promote, and enroll more group participation in our facilitator training events/opportunities.
What are your next steps?
- Create a public education campaign to raise awareness and/or change behaviors around underage drinking (i.e., create PSAs and other promotional materials)
Which Communities Talk resources (or other SAMHSA resources) were most helpful for your activity?
- Prevention videos, such as College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives
- Communities Talk toolkits
- Communities Talk support staff
- The grant funding was greatly appreciated. Thank you!
How did a Communities Talk event help you address those issues?
- Educated youth and parents
- Raised awareness of substance abuse and/or underage drinking issues in our community
- Facilitator Training & Empowering College Students
How did your event make an impact on underage drinking in your community?
We trained 10 facilitators for our “Maximize Your Buzz” alcohol education program for college students. This program uses comedy, multimedia, and practical advice to teach students about the dangers of alcohol and help them make healthy decisions for themselves and encourage their friends to do the same. As a result of this training, our facilitators conducted 23 performances of our program at 23 U.S. colleges and served 9,493 college students between August 15–September 15, 2019.
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