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What’s New

Communities Talk What’s New articles share information to help event organizers plan, host, and evaluate events aimed at mobilizing a community around evidence-based prevention of underage drinking.

New SPTAC Resources Available


SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center (SPTAC) recently published the following free, publicly accessible resources:

  • Prevention Collaboration in Action Toolkit: This toolkit includes step-by-step resources for all phases of building and sustaining collaborative partnerships. The toolkit encompasses grantee success stories and collaboration tools and worksheets organized by five essential building blocks for successful collaborations.
  • Using Logic Models to Address the Social Determinants of Health in Substance Misuse Prevention: This tool guides prevention planners in using logic models to address social determinants of health in their substance use prevention plans. It offers a step-by-step process for incorporating factors like housing instability into logic models, detailing resources, activities, outcomes, and impacts to create more comprehensive and effective prevention strategies.
  • Data Dashboards: Making Data Interactive: Data dashboards provide state, tribal, and community practitioners access to the data needed to inform their substance use prevention efforts. This resource highlights best practices for planning, implementing, and evaluating these important data tools, covering areas such as defining scope, understanding audience needs, selecting technology, incorporating user-friendly design, and evaluating effectiveness.